Saturday, May 21, 2011

Waiting for Summer

I've begun to count the days until summer vacations, is that a bad thing? I begin to get burned out towards the end of the school year and I begin to look forward to some free time. Time to dedicate to my art, my jewelry, my home and my family.

I've been working very hard and have created many new things, I just havn't had time to photograph and post.

As soon as summer begins...

This little piece is from a sketchbook entry that I did back in February, reminds me of summer days to come.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Small Orbs

I made a dozen of these small earrings in a variety of colors. Whenever I take pictures they remind me of small floating orbs. These are some of my best sellers whenever I have a trunk show. I am planning on another trunk show for the end of the months so it is time to make some more.

Along with my little orbs I have also created these two other pieces. I have posted them in my etsy shop, hoprefully they will have a nice reception.

I'm eagerly awaiting the beginning of summer so I can start my summer vacations and I can start creating some of my new jewelry pieces. Sooo many ideas, very little time. I get frustrated sometimes because I am limited on how much time I have to create.

On the flip side, my jewelry is now being sold in another gallery! That makes seven shops. What I lament is that I do not have the pieces to fill up my etsy shop.

Hurry up, summer!