My cat Frida loves spending time in my studio and loves to climb onto my workspace. Unfortunately for her I have been working frantically all week and I have the mess to prove it. She sat on the seat for several minutes contemplating the mess and was perhaps hoping I would get the hint and clean a space for her.
I have a very good reason for working so frantically. My jewelry is now being sold at Galeria Azul in Historic Old Mesilla in New Mexico. This is the third gallelry that sells my work besides the two shops that also carry my pieces. I'm so excited and I pray that it goes well. Besides my full time job as a high school art teacher, making my jewelry for these places is taking up what little time I have left. My Etsy shop is very empty and I only have a few pieces. I'm hoping to create new pieces this week specifically for my Etsy shop.
Something that I really need to spend time on is designing new tags for my jewelry. I can't seem to make my mind up on one specific design. The ones I use now are very plain. I want something that shows my personality & culture. What kind of tags do you use and do you make them yourself?
Congrats on selling your goods! I love those soldered pieces. We all have studios that look just like this so don't fret.